



Welcome to Chatty!

Chatty is a service where pregnant women and new moms can have one-on-one video chats.


We’ve created Guidelines to ensure all users can use Chatty safely and enjoyably.

Please make sure to read them carefully.




Chattyquette is the behavior we expect from users.


Consideration for Your Chatmate

  • Listen without interrupting and try to understand your Chatmate
  • Do not outright dismiss what your Chatmate says. Try to be open and accepting
  • Make sure both get to talk
  • Say goodbye before ending the chat


Do not Tell Personal Information

Please refrain from sharing personal information like your real name, address, workplace, email, phone number, social media, messaging accounts, credit card, bank information, or salary with your Chatmate. 

Sharing such information can lead to discomfort or even risk getting involved in troubles.


Securing Your Account

You are responsible for all activities conducted through your account.

If you suspect someone else is using your account, please report it immediately.


Reporting Violations

If you encounter any behavior that violates our Terms of Use or Rules, please report it immediately.




Rules mean things you shouldn’t do.

If you see anyone breaking the Rules, please report it. Reported accounts will be removed.


Unpleasant Behavior

Do not act the following behaviors.

  • Repeatedly asking to turn on the camera during a chat
  • Repeatedly asking to exchange contact information
  • Repeatedly asking to meet up
  • Making sexual comments or forcing them on Chatmate
  • Using just for romance
  • Using offensive or slanderous language
  • Saving, recording, or sharing the video chat
  • Bragging or acting superior to others
  • Mentioning or hinting at violence and physical harm
  • Encouraging self-harm or suicide
  • Making discriminatory comments about race, religion, disability, gender, age, where someone lives or comes from, or their sexual preferences


Soliciting, Salesing, or Promoting

  • Do not lead others to different websites, apps, or social media
  • Do not solicit or promote MLM, information products, religious or political activities, nonprofits activities, fundraising, events, services, or products
  • Do not introduce Chatmates to other people
  • Do not spread unverified medical or health information, including supplements


Illegal Activities

  • Do not promote or endorse sexual services, human trafficking, or other sexual acts
  • Do not engage in relationships for financial support or services based on romantic or sexual desires
  • Do not trick Chatmates into giving money or items


All forms of illegal activities are prohibited.

Also, Do not attempt to acquire users’ personal information.



  • Do not pretend to be someone else, or fake your identity, relationships, or where you belong
  • Do not use Chatty if you are not pregnant or a new mom


Account Sharing

Each user should have their own account.Do not share accounts with friends or family.


Using Third-Party Apps

Do not use apps developed by others unless Chatty has approved them.


Disrupting Chatty’s Operations

  • Do not encourage or help others to break Chatty’s Terms of Use or Guidelines
  • Do not try to limit or block qualified users from Chatty
  • Do not monitor Chatty’s availability or functionality
  • Do not use Chatty for competitive reasons (including developing competing products) or research
  • Do not maliciously look for or exploit loopholes in the Terms of Use or Guidelines
  • Do not write offensive or slanderous comments about Chatty on social media or online


If users misuse Chatty, use it inappropriately or illegally, or act against the Terms of Use and Guidelines, Chatty reserves the right to keep charges and may investigate or remove the user’s account.